Original Research
Outobiografie of nie: aantekeninge oor die outobiografiese aanwysers in enkele Afrikaanse tekste
Literator | Vol 12, No 3 | a774 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/lit.v12i3.774
| © 1991 R. Scheepers
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 May 1991 | Published: 06 May 1991
Submitted: 06 May 1991 | Published: 06 May 1991
About the author(s)
R. Scheepers, Universiteit van Kaapstad, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (377KB)Abstract
The autobiographical relationship between the concrete author and a character or narrator in a text has always been a problem in the study of literature. In this article it is illustrated how certain signals in the text may function as autobiographical indicators. These signals must direct the reader towards an autobiographical interpretation of a specific text, because this is often essential for an adequate reading of such a text. The methodological approach of this article is, though, that an autobiographical interpretation of a text should at all times be textually confirmed. Texts included in this study are Somer 11 and Suidpunt-jazz (André Letoit), Jonkmanskas and Die hemel help ons (Koos Prinsloo), Van stiltes en stemme (J.M. Gilfillan), Die droom (Uys Krige), Wynand se oorlog (Ria Jordaan), Sleep vir jou 'n stoel nader (André le Roux) and Klaaglied vir Koos (Lettie Viljoen).
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