Original Research

Some notes on further readings of Wilma Stockenström’s slave narrative, The Expedition to the Baobab Tree

S. Gray
Literator | Vol 12, No 1 | a745 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/lit.v12i1.745 | © 1991 S. Gray | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 May 1991 | Published: 06 May 1991

About the author(s)

S. Gray,, South Africa

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This article considers some aspects of Wilma Stockenström’s novella of 1981, Die Kremetartekspedisie, in its English translation by J.M. Coetzee of 1983, The Expedition to the Baobab Tree. After isolating the formal aspects which are characteristic of the structure of the work, as explained by the author in the text, it reviews and identifies a general reluctance in the responses to date to engage with the text in terms it sets for itself. Arising out of this deadlock situation, the article suggests some approaches which could more appropriately be applied in further readings of the work. These are with regard to the author’s use of: (a) received South African history and (b) narrative mode, both of which contribute to the beginnings of the formation of a new, particularly female, consciousness and scope in South African fiction.


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Crossref Citations

1. A life elsewhere: figurations of the journey in Wilma Stockenström’s The Expedition to the Baobab Tree
Dirk Klopper, Elizabeth Sekwiha-Gwajima
Journal of the African Literature Association  vol: 16  issue: 1  first page: 39  year: 2022  
doi: 10.1080/21674736.2021.2016249