Review Article

Die geistig-kulturelle Lage im wieder-vereinigten Deutschland

A. M. Rauch
Literator | Vol 18, No 3 | a560 | DOI: | © 1997 A. M. Rauch | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 30 April 1997 | Published: 30 April 1997

About the author(s)

A. M. Rauch, Guest lecturer, Department of English Language & Literature with German, French & Translation Studies, Potchefstroom University for CHE, South Africa

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The mental-cultural situation of the re-united Germany
In 1993 an exhibition presenting phenomena about the past, present and future of both East and West Germany took place in Berlin. It became clear that West and East Germans differ in inter alia the way in which life and existence have been experienced. East and West Germans also have different perspectives and perceptions of policy and society. Among the former GDR-citizens, nostalgia dominates the reflection on the past. It should, however, not be underestimated how deeply East and West Germans have been alienated from each other and that many East Germans think that facing a common future - together with West Germans - is more than they could handle. The difference in which life and existence have been experienced in East and West Germany is also reflected in German literature as is pointed out in the work of Ulrich Woelk. It also becomes, however, clear that the idea of a common German culture and history supplies a strong link to overcome these alienations.


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