Original Research
Oosgrensafrikaans: ’n te eksklusiewe begrip?
Submitted: 26 April 1999 | Published: 26 April 1999
About the author(s)
H. P. Grebe, Departement Afrikaans, Universiteit van Pretoria, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (455KB)Abstract
Eastern Cape Afrikaans (Oosgrensafrikaans): as concept too exclusive?
Based upon historic-geographical considerations Van Rensburg (1984:514; 1989:436-467; 1990:66-67) distinguishes three early varieties of Afrikaans, i.e. Eastern Cape Afrikaans (Oosgrensafrikaans), Cape Afrikaans (Kaapse Afrikaans) and Orange River Afrikaans (Oranjerivierafrikaans). Standard Afrikaans is then considered to be based upon Eastern Cape Afrikaans. In the light of especially this last claim, the theoretical status of Eastern Cape Afrikaans becomes of paramount importance in any study delving into the development of the Afrikaans language.
This article discusses the outcome of a critical analysis of relevant literature dealing with particularly Eastern Cape Afrikaans. The outcome of this analysis has indicated that the theoretical basis upon which the positing of Eastern Cape Afrikaans as an early separate variety of Afrikaans has been based, has serious theoretical flaws. A critical shortcoming of the present hypothesis bears upon the assumed geographical positioning of Eastern Cape Afrikaans. A culturally and numerically important component of the Cape Colony's burger population is seemingly not accounted for.
It is suggested that the possibility of broadening the geographical base of Eastern Cape Afrikaans should be considered. Serious empirical research should also be undertaken before any claim regarding the genealogy of Standard Afrikaans could be considered at all.Keywords
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