Original Research

Die taalkundige analise van ’n literêre teks: leksikale kohesie in 'My broer se kraai'

G. van den Berg
Literator | Vol 23, No 2 | a335 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/lit.v23i2.335 | © 2002 G. van den Berg | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 August 2002 | Published: 06 August 2002

About the author(s)

G. van den Berg, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, South Africa

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A linguistic analysis of a literary text: Lexical cohesion in 'My broer se kraai'

In this article the positive interaction between language and literature is investigated from a text-linguistic perspective. In text linguistics linguistic investigation is at stake as it attempts to establish the textuality of linguistic structures with the help of as many linguistic means as possible (Carstens, 1997:7). In this article a literary text is used to obtain knowledge of the nature of the language used in the text, while at the same time linguistics is applied to find out more about the literary text – in this case “My broer se kraai” – the short story that is analysed. Furthermore, this article emphasizes the contribution of lexical cohesion in the teaching of literature.

Research already undertaken reveals that different types of lexical cohesion are interwoven in a text and form a unit that links with the theme of the given text. The lexical cohesion singled out in the text will not necessarily have the same value and meaning for every reader. What is important, however, is that cohesion has achieved its purpose if the reader is able to experience and understand the text as a coherent unit.


Frequency Of Words; Lexical Cohesion; Linguistic Analysis Of A Literary Text; Text Analysis


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