Original Research

The portrayal of single women characters in selected African literary texts

Linda Kwatsha
Literator | Vol 36, No 1 | a1209 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/lit.v36i1.1209 | © 2015 Linda Kwatsha | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 27 May 2015 | Published: 30 November 2015

About the author(s)

Linda Kwatsha, Department of Language and Literature, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa


In this article, the portrayal of single women characters in works by a number of African women authors is critically reflected upon. These women are portrayed as strong, resistant, independent and realistic characters, who boldly resist male paternalism and dominance in order to look to the future with courage. Single women characters are presented as independent individuals rather than as kinship appendages. They are portrayed as architects of their own potential happiness rather than as passive receivers of the dictates of patriarchy. The article will also show that women characters account for their own values, rather than subserviently surrender to stereotypical conventions. African women writers portray single women characters as having the professional and economic means to look after themselves. This portrayal of women characters is part of a debate that translates itself to contemporary everyday philosophical social theory.


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Crossref Citations

1. Foregrounding the Amazonian Character against Androcentric Constructs: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Texts by Kopano Matlwa and Zakes Mda
Gugu Marie Mthetwa, Olufemi J. Abodunrin
Imbizo  year: 2023  
doi: 10.25159/2663-6565/13707