Original Research
Die liefde wat die son beweeg en die ander sterre: Digterlike transendering – tot die vermenigvuldigde lewe ontroer
Submitted: 29 November 2013 | Published: 12 September 2014
About the author(s)
A.S. (Rensia) Robinson, Independent researcher, South AfricaAbstract
The love that moves the sun and the other stars – Poetic transcendence, stirred to live the multifaceted life: The oeuvre of T.T. Cloete may be characterised, among other possibilities, by a sensitive perception of a mystic interconnectedness in creation. This interconnectedness is developed and interpreted in many ways. The poetic potential of the female (Woman), in different forms, is one of the central themes being activated. In a recently published de luxe publication, Uit die wit lig van my land gesny, the poet focuses on the creative role of woman in the grand act of creation, identifying her role as a kind of hair-spring of poetic inspiration and design. Woman, alternatively Anna Perenna, the Universal Mother, is not only bearer of an embryo being transformed unto spirit, but she also acts as a source of light (’sun woman’), actualising cosmic insight. It is part of the interwoven patterns characterising humankind’s place in a hologram of life. The poet compares these poetic patterns to the weaving of Persian rugs. The ancient forms inscribed in the memories of ancestors are communicated to the next generation. Poetic transcendence is developed as a process through which a wealth of colours of life and death is inspired by individual as well as universal femininity.
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